Epic Signs & Graphics Blog - Parma, North Olmsted, Fairview, Cleveland, OH

Storm Damage and Signs: Is it Time for a Sign Update?

Written by John Grigoli | Sep 25, 2018 12:30:00 PM

We are fortunate to live on the North Coast. We do not get hit with hurricanes and the type of flooding our friends in the South are experiencing. Businesses down there will be updating their signs as part of the process to get back on track no doubt. But even with the tough weather swings we do get, how have your business signs held up? Every summer they get blasted with UV and every winter they get blasted with temps below zero.


Relentless snow, ice and rain can wreak havoc on even the most durable of signs, which is why it’s important to survey all of your exterior business signs -- from your building sign to vehicle graphics -- for signs of wear and tear after severe weather and periodically throughout the year. However, the weather’s not the only reason for you to update your business signage.


Is it time for a sign update?

Physical damage to exterior signs or peeling graphics are the most visible indicators that it’s time to update your business signs, but you should also take stock of some of the following indicators for a sign refresher.

You purchased on a budget (or no budget)

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going with budget signage when you’re first getting started in business, as long as the signs work for you and your company. However, if you’ve been in business for a few years and haven’t invested in new signage, it’s time to upgrade. When you meet with our designers to discuss options that will work for your business, your budget is factored in, and our designers work within those constraints.


Your signage is outdated

The easiest way to tell if your exterior business signs is obsolete is if it’s no longer working for your business. You know, when your sign has been around so long that it just blends in with the surroundings -- you don’t want to be in that position.

When you first went into business, did you try to put everything on your sign? If your sign is too wordy, it’s time to change things up, and if you’ve been around for a while, you don’t need to list each of the products and services you offer on your sign.

All businesses change over time, sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically, and your signage should reflect those changes. If the atmosphere or general feel of your company has changed, make sure that your business signs indicate it.

You’ve never changed it

If you need to be hit over the head with obviousness, we’ll help you out -- if you’ve been in business for years and have never changed your signage: IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO UPDATE YOUR SIGNS!

Give us a call to update your business signage. Our designers will work with you to create graphics and sign designs that reflect positively on your business and attract new customers.