
Epic Signs & Graphics Blog

Halo Lights Add A Nice Touch To Interior Wall Letters

Posted by John Grigoli

May 27, 2020 3:09:43 PM

When considering updating your interior business areas, consider lighting as an option. Be aware, however, we need to plan for power in order to get the LED's to actually light up! Not a lot of power, but never the less, it takes electricity, and usually on a switch too!

Lighted letters Cleveland


A halo illuminated LED glow emanating from the back of the letter adds a nice touch to interior wall letters. The problem is, many people forget to plan for that little important detail. In addition, the trick to making this type of sign work is to hide the wiring. In fact the industry has matured to the point that it is expected we provide lights almost magically. When people observe a beautiful sign on a wall with a nice halo around the letters, it is forgotten what it took to make it happen. Not only do we need to get power to the sign location, we need to power every letter. And they all need to be protected with a power supply in the loop....and we need to go through walls! Or at least an electrician does.


This is where Epic Signs & Graphics comes in handy. We have various solutions to make your logo and/or letters look special.

Wall mounted letters

In order to make it look like the logo or letters are "floating" on the wall, we will need to have wires coming out directly behind the symbol. Most of the time we do not have that luxury, so if we can locate a source of power nearby in the ceiling, it could be pulled down through the wall to the right location. That takes a bit of luck and determination and skill because usually there are many things in the way such as insulation or or interior wall framing.


Pan or shoe box sign?

I've encountered a couple different terms in the industry using either one of these names. It is a way to make a sign usually out of metal. that is bent on every side to create a sort of wall around each edge. When turned over, it resembles a frying pan. We used that trick for a manufacturing company called Hamrick. We arrived on site with a totally custom pre-assembled sign so all we had to do was mount angle iron to the wall and screw the pan to the angle iron. In this case, the electrical outlet was already in place, so all we had to do was plug in the sign and mount our sign.

Hamrick Lighted Wall Sign

These are just a couple little tricks Epic Signs & Graphics has used to help clients get their indoor space to look, well...Epic. So give us a call for advice and plans to get your place lit up!

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Topics: Interior Signs for Cleveland, 3d Wall Letters

Why Choose Professionals to Create Your Interior Signs in Cleveland

Posted by John Grigoli

Jun 10, 2014 8:00:00 AM

Interior signs for StrongsvilleA crucial component of your greater marketing message is your interior signage. Your signs serve as an interaction point between your clients and you even when they seem to blend in with the interior décor of your business. This is why you should not leave such an important form of communication to an amateur. A professional sign company knows how to facilitate communication and how to have the biggest impact possible.

You may see some interior signs that are hastily scrawled on cardboard or wood debris, usually in smaller venues. What do signs like these say about your business? Epic Signs & Graphics believes the message is one that drives customers away. We should know: we have been replacing these signs with expert signage for over a decade as the best sign company in Cleveland.

Promote Your Brand

Lobby and suite signs BrunswickYou want your company to be associated with a specific brand name, service option, or type of product. “Top of mind awareness” is the phrase used by marketing experts to describe this. Repeating your message is the best way to create this association. Interior signs in Cleveland are often overlooked as a key way to repeat your business’s message.

Professional Layout

You can create a customer out of a window shopper with a well-crafted sign. To connect the seller’s available merchandise with the buyer’s perceived need, a professional layout is a vital element. Too often, we see signs that that have no hope of delivering a message, since they have too many style elements and are too cluttered. On the other hand, some signs fail to provide important details because their design is too minimal. As the best sign company for Cleveland businesses, we balance aesthetics with information to reach your target audience.

Encourage Impulse Purchases

Custom Business Sign Richfield, OhWhen you get down to brass tacks, nothing encourages impulse buying quite as successfully as interior signs for Cleveland retailers. The checkout line at your local supermarket is a perfect example. At the tail end of a shopping trip, witness the number of impulse purchases of gum, magazines, and candy that occur. With expertly crafted, well-placed signs, you can nurture these kinds of purchases at your business. Highlight the needs your products fulfill and appeal to the customer’s sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Strong First Impressions

Pay close attention to the interior signage when you visit new stores. On a daily basis, shoppers look at these signs. Of course, the exterior signs often make the first impression, but once inside, your signage can either ruin any positive impression that was made or give you a second chance at your first impression. When you partner with a commercial sign company, the message of the exterior signs can be transferred to the interior signs to create a consistent branding message.

Do not leave important interior signage to someone who does not have graphic design expertise, access to top quality materials, or lacks advertising knowledge. Contact Epic Signs & Graphics today for a free consultation and estimate.

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Topics: Epic Signs and Graphics in Ohio, Best Commercial Sign Business Cleveland, Interior Signs for Cleveland

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