
Epic Signs & Graphics Blog

Why Good Building Signage is More Critical Than Ever

Posted by John Grigoli

Sep 17, 2020 11:30:00 AM

For Sale signs, windows boarded up, landscape not kept up with… This is a familiar scene across America right now as we continue to face a global pandemic and a major recession. In fact, according to the Washington Post, over 100,000 small businesses have closed since March. With small businesses closing left and right, if your business is still going strong, it’s important to project stability to your customers and prospects. It’s also critical to let people know, “Yes, you are open!” so they don’t pass you by. One way to do this is by having effective business signage.

Ground Sign

Here’s the Math: It’s Affordable

Many businesses are being careful with their spending right now. But those businesses that continue to invest in themselves are the ones who will step ahead of their conservative competitors. They are the ones people are seeing and hearing!


Example: Let’s make a conservative estimate that 10,000 vehicles pass your business every day (that’s the average for a moderate to low traffic area). And a newspaper ad in the Plain Dealer has the possibility of reaching 125,000 readers in a day. Divide 125,000 by 10,000, and you will find that the sign reaches the same value as the paper ad within 12.5 days. Signs last much longer than that, of course, so you can expect the cost per impression to be quite low over time. Plus, the business sign does something the ad does not do: It delivers multiple impressions to your potential client base. This helps build your brand recognition.


Good Signs are a Sign of Good Business

So how can you update your exterior marketing without breaking the bank? We have some ideas! Are you more likely to check out a business with outdated or home-printed signs or one with modern graphics clearly more recently applied? Fresh signage builds trust! Here are some low-cost signage updates you can consider:


  • Window Signage: By applying full-color perforated window graphics to your store front windows, it not only makes a statement, but it provides additional marketing space and can be see-thru on the inside.

 veterans commision window graphics

  • Yard Signs: Remind passers-by you’re here and in business with simple signs on the street. Use them to highlight features like drive-thru availability.


  • Banners: If you’re adding a new service or changing a service in a lasting way, share and promote it with banners in front of your building or on the nearby roadways.

 Window Graphic

Signs are Simple, Effective & Affordable

We are living in an odd time. There are so many places going out of business, so it’s your duty to make sure your customers and prospects know you’re still there for them. Drive by your business and assess where you can do a better job of showing off your business. Then let us help you figure out the sign that best accomplish your goals.

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Topics: Exterior Signs for Delis and Restaurants Parma, Vinyl Window Graphics Cleveland, Banners and Signs Parma OH, Epic Signs and Graphics Cleveland, Outdoor Signs Cleveland, Vinyl Window Decal Posters Cleveland, Exterior Letter Signs Northeast OH, Vinyl Window Decals Northeast OH

Address Customer Concerns with Smart COVID Signage

Posted by John Grigoli

Jul 23, 2020 12:19:40 PM

Because we've never experienced something like COVID-19, there is no instruction manual for us to refer to for how to operate our businesses right now. Mask suggestions turn to mandates and back again, operating hours may be different, store capacity is limited to this or that, aisles might be one-way or both ways... it's all very confusing for customers, especially when it's written on a single sheet of paper taped to a window. To ensure your customers feel comfortable and protected, use smart signage outside and inside your place of business. Here are a few examples. 

Outdoor Business Signs

Without regular foot traffic, businesses that are a little off the beaten path may take a hit. Putting a few yard signs along the nearest road or around the edge of the parking lot is a great way to remind folks driving by that you are there and open!

Storefont Graphics

Vinyl Graphic Entryway Signage

I've seen plenty of signs that are hand written or typed but in a 12 point font. Customers are going to breeze right by those, meaning they won't be following your rules. Make it clear what a customer can expect using vinyl window graphics on your storefront. A mask policy, capacity limit, directional instructions, and anything else they may need to know before entering should be displayed clearly and legibly.


Directional Signage 

Once they're inside, directional signs can be useful to help them find what they need quickly.

directional signage

If you have aisles and you'd prefer traffic to go one way to keep things flowing, and limit congestion, consider vinyl graphics on the floor. There are lots of great ways to execute this, from the simple arrows, to something a little more fun. Check out the installation we tested at our own office below.

vinyl window decals

Also consider simple reminders to stay six feet apart.

social distancing graphics

Keep Customers Informed with COVID Signage

It's possible that we may be adjusting the way we do business for awhile. Take the time to ensure your customers are informed while also staying on brand with custom signage throughout your business. Not sure where to start?

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Topics: Vinyl Window Graphics Cleveland, Vinyl Window Decal Posters Cleveland, Vinyl Graphic Lobby Signs Cleveland, Vinyl Door Graphics Northeast OH

Get Your Questions Answered About Wall Murals and Window Graphics

Posted by John Grigoli

Sep 11, 2014 8:00:00 AM

Wall and window graphics in Cleveland are becoming
all the rage. This is because just about any image and text can be printed on top quality vinyl in vibrant, sharp colors using state of the art wide format digital printers. We constantly field questions about how to get a wall mural done or how to have graphics applied to windows. So, to help with guidance, we put together this guide to help answer your questions.

What Are Wall and Window Graphics?

We have the ability to print full color images on vinyl or we can use standard color viWall Mural in Cleveland by Epic Signs & Graphicsnyls to die cut shapes like letters that can be applied to walls or windows. The vinyl can be applied because the back side has an adhesive that will stick to many substrates including walls or windows. So that technology allows us to provide window, wall graphics or decals. Wall and window graphics are typically used for marketing displays and specifically to deliver messages. 


Do Window Graphics for Cleveland Businesses Damage Surf
aces at All?

Adhesive vinyls will leave the glass surface looking as good as new if it is installed and removed properly. If the professionals at Epic Signs & Graphics do the job, you can be rest assured the surface will look great once the graphic is removed.

How Long Do the Graphics Last?

Wide Format Printing Parma OhDepending on the type of vinyl used and what the intended goal is for longevity, vinyls will last from 3 years to 10 years. Weather variables will determine the length as well since since sun exposure has long term affects on vinyl because of UV rays.

In What Ways Do Businesses Use Lettering and Wall Murals?

Wall murals are commonly used as accents in office environments. City scapes are popular. Window Decals Parma, OhioDepending on the business will dictate the need for wall murals. A dentist office for example can use children themes to help ease their mind. Some organizations use cut lettering on walls to provide inspirational quotes or provide leadership vision statements. Many store front retail outlets use windows to display services, hours, specials or even product photos to entice customers into the business. Each of these products allow a business or organization to communicate to potential customers who they are and what they provide. 

Can the Same Vinyl Graphic Be Used More than Once?

For the most part, they cannot. This is because after having been peeled off their surface, they will not snap back to full elasticity. However, it is much less expensive for us to make a graphic the second time, since we will have the design already on file and will just need to print and install it.

What About Removal?

Window Graphics Cleveland, OhSo as not to leave any marks behind, our professional vinyl installers use heat to carefully peel off the decals. As a way to leave the surface totally clean, window cleaner or water and soap may be used in instances that marks do get left behind. Walls may have marks left that would require light sanding and a coat of paint.

What's the Installation Process?

With a cleaning agent, like rubbing alcohol, the surface where the graphics will be going is cleaned. The vinyl is then placed into position for approval and to ensure a good fit. Then, after removing the backing to the vinyl, it is placed on the window or wall with a squeegee to push out air bubbles. This is done carefully to prevent wrinkles. Some times a liquid can be applied first to help with this process, particularly with vinyl frost used on windows. The liquid will allow the vinyl to repositioned if needed but it will take time to dry. 

If you are ready to use your windows and walls to make a positive impact with your consumers, contact Epic Signs & Graphics today for a free consultation, we would love to provide a survey and a plan to make it happen!

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Topics: Vinyl Window Graphics Cleveland, Wall and Window Graphics Cleveland, Wall Murals Cleveland

US Nail & Hair Salon Advertises with Vinyl Window Decal Posters in Cleveland!

Posted by John Grigoli

Aug 26, 2014 7:00:00 AM

Take a look at the Yellow Pages, either the big old paper book or online. Look up Salons. You will see that in Cleveland alone there are hundreds of different types of salons offering an array of services. Passersby may see your salon as they perform their daily tasks, but without nail salon window graphics in Cleveland, they will not know exactly what services you offer.

US Nail & Hair Salon recognized the need to get the word out that they were more than just a hair and nail salon, so they contacted Epic Signs & Graphics to help them with window signs.

A Little About Our Client

US Nail & Hair Salon is located on Fulton Road in Cleveland’s Old Brooklyn neighborhood. They specialize in nail care, including manicures and pedicures. But, they also provide much more, such as massages, facials, bikini waxes, highlights, and more. They have been keeping Cleveland area patrons looking and feeling great for many years.


Whenever a local business comes to us for new signage, we love to help. We believe quality signage can help any enterprise, and we like to improve the local business community. US Nail is located in a strip mall that gets a lot of foot traffic. They came to us looking for a way to let these pedestrians know about their complete menu of services.

US Nail was working on a tight budget, so we recommended vinyl posters for their windows. Vinyl is currently one of the most popular materials in the signage industry due to its versatility. For US Nail, we created three custom nail salon decal posters for Cleveland. One advertised their gift certificates, another gave the pricing for their popular nail services, and the third sign listed their services.

US Nail was ecstatic with the finished product and have experienced an uptick in business since the posters were installed.

Window Graphics for Your Business

If you are looking to enhance the glass on your doors, storefront, or office windows, then window graphics are the ideal choice for advertising, informing your customers, and decorating. It is pretty boring just having bare, unused window space. Many companies turn to online retailers for generic decals or stickers. However, they have less of an impact, and you are forced to install these on your own.

Window graphics and vinyl decals Cleveland

Epic Signs & Graphics uses vinyl from the foremost manufacturers, 3M, Avery, and Oracal. We have an endless array of colors and can precisely match your business’s colors to keep branding consistent. We can place graphics, messages, and text directly on the windows of your storefront. Best of all, we install these graphics (or change them out) in minutes. Vinyl window decals can be used to:

  • Announce your retail store’s business hours
  • Promote specific services or products
  • Make windows pop with stunning graphics of all sizes and shapes
  • Publicize huge discount days and sales
  • Create seasonal displays

If you would like to convert your storefront windows into attractive sales conversion powerhouses, contact Epic Signs & Graphics today!

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Topics: Vinyl Window Graphics Cleveland, Epic Signs and Graphics Cleveland, Vinyl Window Decal Posters Cleveland

Specialty Fitness Equipment Wins with Post and Panel Sign and Door Graphics in OH!

Posted by John Grigoli

Jul 1, 2014 9:02:00 AM

Post and Panel Signs Cleveland OHThere are a number of considerations you need to take into account when moving your business to a new location. Often times, business owners neglect one of the most important aspects: signage. If you want to help you loyal clients find your new storefront as well as attract new customers, signage is crucial. So, when Specialty Fitness Equipment made the move to Richmond Road, they called Epic Signs & Graphics for post and panel signs in Cleveland.

A Little about Specialty Fitness Equipment

From their headquarters in Cleveland, Specialty Fitness Equipment is the leading source for medical, home, and commercial fitness equipment in the Midwest. They serve the entire region as a one stop destination for exercise, health, fitness, and wellness equipment needs. They are unique in that they take each client’s specific needs into consideration during the design, installation, and aftercare process.

When a company so devoted to the fitness and wellbeing of people in our area called us looking for new signage, we jumped into action! After Specialty Fitness found us on the internet, we listened to their needs and vision. Essentially, they needed to update the already existing post and panel directory sign with their information. They also wanted to update the garage door and front door graphics in Cleveland.

How We Helped!

Vinyl window graphics for Cleveland OHWe have years of experience creating post and panel signs for Cleveland and were able to precisely render Specialty Fitness’s logo on their sign. We matched the colors, typeface, and all. We did such a good job that the neighboring company had us update their panel as well.

For the garage door and front door, we again rendered the logo with perfect detail with plain white vinyl and included the number for making appointments. By keeping the logo consistent, companies can build their brand awareness.

Thanks to our superior work on their building, we are already getting calls to provide additional signage for Specialty Fitness Equipment.

Signs for Your Company

Epics Signs & Graphics is a complete commercial signage company serving the Cleveland OH area. From meeting with you for your free estimate and consultation to designing your sign to creating and installing it, we handle every step of the process. Our post and panel signs are custom made to your specifications. We can print directly onto vinyl for sharp, vibrant digital graphics, which can then be expertly applied to the panel material.

Using a high quality, heavy duty material, Cleveland area business owners can get their message out with vinyl door graphics. We only use vinyl sourced from the best vinyl manufacturers in the world. We have reflective and metallic vinyl lettering to really catch the attention of passersby. And, we can work with you to make sure all of the signage we create matches the graphics on your marketing materials. We know presenting your brand consistently is important for building trust and maintaining a professional appearance.

Contact Epic Signs & Graphics today to find out what signage we can provide for your business whether you are moving to a new location or need to let passing traffic know you are there.

Request a Free Consultation!

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Topics: Epic Signs and Graphics in Ohio, Post and Panel Signs Cleveland, Vinyl Window Graphics Cleveland

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We provide your organization solutions for a memorable impression whether it is an event, trade show, vehicle graphic, lobby sign and more.

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