
Epic Signs & Graphics Blog

Custom Metal Plaques for Cleveland Business Signs

Posted by John Grigoli

Feb 4, 2014 8:30:00 AM

Custom metal plaques for Cleveland Ohio have become the signage of choice due to their lifetime durability. In your area, you have probably noticed the growing popularity of metal signage, whether it is for retailers or service providers. Epic Signs & Graphics is here to help when you decide it is time for your company to utilize this information display option.

The Many Uses for Metal Plaques

There are a vast array of uses for metal plaques. The need for wayfinding signs is a great example of this. You can add an extra level of sophistication to the mix with the use of metal, as compared to acrylics. Also, with metal, you are able to keep your displays and signage looking identical outside and in if your visitors will be traversing the exterior of your venue as well as the interior.Metal Plaque Sign Cleveland

Metal never disappoints when it comes to renovating historic buildings. Acrylics do not work in this circumstance because the signage material needs to be as time honored as the building. Metal plaques even work well for less glamorous tasks, such as directory information located opposite elevators. You can project longevity, class, and durability and add immediate character to a building that is otherwise rather plain.

For your Northeast Ohio office building or store, metal ADA plaques are also a superb choice. You can highlight the locations of stairways, restrooms, and other necessary amenities since we are able to include colorful designs on your metal plaque, allowing you to display high contract graphics with these heavy duty materials. It is also very easy to make the signs ADA compliant by adding Braille writing to the plaques.

We Offer Etched and Cast Models

A picture of the item you have in mind is where a cast plaque begins. You may, for example, want to bring to us a picture of your company founder if you are thinking of creating a cast plaque with him as the focus. For your approval, we will then make a mold. Once we have received your approval, we will use the mold to create the plaque you desire. Our seasoned metal artisans have the expertise and creativity to perform this highly artistic process.

Chemicals are used instead of mold in the etched signs. When you have an intricate collection or shape of dark and light areas that need to be presented in a crisp manner, etching is the superior process. This process can be used for drawings, photo etchings, and recessed or raised graphics. There is little artistic interpretation of the material needed for etching, and the results are stunning.

Caring for Metal Signage

Our signs use bronze, brass, or aluminum alloy metals. In the care and cleaning of these materials, there are many different commercial cleaning products made especially for this. There are also numerous homemade cleaning solutions if you are a do it yourselfer. These typically call for anything from lemon juice to baking soda.

With their many uses and extreme durability, it's easy to get a quote from Epic Signs & Graphics; simply click on the button below.

Get a Quote on Metal Plaques

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Topics: Custom Metal Plaques Cleveland, Epics Signs & Graphics, Metal Plaques Northeast OH,

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