Vehicle magnets are the types of mobile advertising solutions that are gaining in popularity. When your customer or client base is not located in the vicinity of your storefront, finding the right number of eyeballs to take in your marketing data is a crucial component of business success. Realtor vehicle magnets are a prime example for an ad campaign tool that works in and around the Cleveland area.
Cleveland Real Estate News
Overall, the Cleveland real estate market is finicky. The Plain Dealer has already reported that sales are up when compared to last year, but down when compared to last month. Condominium sales are heating up, which heightens the competition between real estate professionals. Another segment of the market that is doing well is the sale of pre-owned homes. To find listings, the professional must go out and court would-be sellers. Vehicle magnets for real estate agents are the best advertising tool possible.
Mobile Advertising Works
Epic Signs & Graphics realizes that vehicle magnets can easily become the bread and butter of your referral network.
- Frequent and consistent visibility. Wherever you go, your advertising material goes with you. When you are on the road showing homes to prospective buyers, your vehicle markets your services. As you are parked in front of a condo tower, other would-be sellers see you showing a unit and notice your name and contact information. Even if they are not yet ready to list their properties, seeing you in action might encourage them to call you – rather than a generic listing agent – when they are ready to make the move.
- Target all segments of the population. With high-ticket sales items – like real estate – it pays to get your marketing out to the broadest segment of the population. Positive interactions with members of the public may get these folks to pass on your information to friends or family members who are thinking of buying or selling a home. Therefore, realtor vehicle magnets do heavy lifting even while you are waiting at a red light, letting another car merge, pay for the customer behind you in the drive-through or wait politely at the crosswalk.
- Repetitive marketing gets results. If you take the same route to work every day, your vehicle magnet engages in repetitive advertising. Motorists and pedestrians who are also taking this regular route begin to notice your business name and contract information.
Getting the Most Out of Your Magnet
Working with seasoned graphic design artists on the creation of your vehicle magnet is crucial for best results. Why?
- Color choice. The professionals will ask you about the color of your vehicle. You want your sign to pop but at the same time, you want it to be aesthetically pleasing. Choose a complementing color for best results.
- Wording. Include too much information on your magnet, and the message will get lost in the minutiae. Limited by space, distance and the speed with which you pass by your target audience, rely on the advice of seasoned professionals to come up with the perfect jingle for your message.
- Design. Include your logo in such a way that it conveys quite a bit of the message without taking up too much valuable space on the magnet. Experienced graphic artists can help you find the perfect design.
Vehicle magnets for real estate agents are excellent marketing tools for reaching future clients from all across Cleveland. Spread awareness of your business’ name, contact information and also brand awareness with the help of typeface and logo usage. You already know that the local real estate market is tough, and competition is fierce. Get an edge over the competition with this ingenious advertising tool.